Thursday, April 30, 2020

Some more recipes & constructive ideas to fill in time for Artists & Art lovers.

Time to get creative!

Feel like learning juggling (which you can add to your skills list on your CV), do it! When only your nearest, dearest and the dog/cat can watch you making a mess! 0:)

Thinking about adding puppets to your act? Here's a place to start getting your act together!

If food is not necessarily your forte (& also if it is), NOW is the time to take advantage of nobody watching you experiment on skills you can use later.
Try cake decorating!

How about making your own pasta?

And while we are on the topic of food, Robert Adame Beltran has asked me to post some more recipes from my store of what works well in tough times and lockdown.

Meatloaf is always a good bet because it can be added to sandwiches or re-heated later (if there's any left).

Ever tried a vegetable curry? Well worth the effort!

An investment you may like to make is a jaffle iron. "What's that?" I hear you say.
It's an old version of a sandwich maker, without any need for electricity. You buy them at camping suppliers and they can be used on your stovetop as well as the campfire.
For man, woman or child, this is the way you use them. Any leftovers are suitable or keep a small tin of baked beans or spaghetti in your cupboards to spoon into a jaffle or two.

Oh and Robert? THIS is how you build a campfire. 0:) XO


Ellen 0:)
Ellen F. Walker

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