Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Indulge in the luxury of choice.

Having this time on your hands is an absolute gift for anybody involved with (or in love with) the Arts. This is time we can use to develop our interests and decide where we want to take our Art and creativity.

This is your time, your chance to refine your tastes, style and choices. To dabble in other interests and decide what you want to pursue once all of these restrictions are lifted.

In my case, it gives me a chance to work out what's available in my hometown and to put a plan together for what I'd like to explore further whenever I'm able (or available) to do so.
Here's a rundown from local Media about what's currently available on-line in my hometown. Plenty I can add to my list to also explore once the lockdown is over!

Check out what is happening to Arts and Artist in your region. Work out how you might like to be involved; immediately and in the future.

And for me, my personal pleasure is exploring photographic exhibitions which I am delighted to say, I can do any time from wherever I am in the world. However, I can also testify that there is NOTHING like seeing the same photographs in person; up live, close and personal.


In the meantime, check these out! 0:)


Ellen 0:)
Ellen F. Walker

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