How many times while you were in school, have you touched on a subject and thought to yourself at the time, "No don't move on! I want to keep reading!"
Now is your chance to go back and revise, review or re-engage with those thoughts!
I was checking out some Chaucer the other day which reminded me how much I have forgotten of my English Literature (multiple Majors) study.
Or how about music theory? I used to write multiple part choral and vocal works but I am absolutely certain I would be unable to do so now without a music theory text sitting alongside!
(Admittedly, not currently having access to keyboard is not an ideal way to work for me but obviously it is not a pre-requisite for creating either lyrics or manuscripts.)
Then beyond that, seek out blogs and forums of like-minded people. Still visit your usual social media but then go beyond your comfort zone and discover there are others out there also seeking the perfect chord. 0:)
Ellen 0:)n
Ellen F. Walker
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