Saturday, June 8, 2013

Christian artists, writers and Creatives.

I never cease to be amazed at how many people set themselves up as judge, jury and executioner when it comes to deciding what a Christian (or those holding any particular beliefs) should and should not do with their work! The sheer number of people who take it upon themselves to control others, in the erroneous POV that it is supposedly their God-annointed task to do so. To not only "enlighten" the rest of us regarding how our work should be done but also force us into complying with their particular stance on matters!

Not only is this Biblically incorrect, it reveals the lack of theological knowledge of those imposing their "quality control" on others!
Matthew 7
1“Do not judge so that you will not be judged.2“For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.3“Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?4“Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye?5“You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

6“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

There are a couple of things I say to the people who set themselves up as "judge-jury-executioner" of Christian artists and seek to control both the Creative and their work. How lacking in your personal faith are you that you trust so little in the work of the Holy Spirit? Or do you believe Christ incapable of leading those of His people involved in the Arts and He needs your "understanding" of matters to control others as if they were ignorant children? I've spent most of my life considering the issues in being an artist and Creative and I've been a Christian for 44 years. I would ask these people how much time they have spent considering the issues and matters involved in being a Christian artist and bringing them before God in prayer? It is my income, not a hobby. Not exactly something I take lightly, by any means.

But the final crunch will come when I eventually stand before Christ in person and I am longing to hear the words "Well done good and faithful servant". At that point of time, none of these armchair critics will be standing there with me and I doubt the Lord is going to be at all interested in my saying "Sorry I didn't do what I believed you wanted me to Lord. So-and-so the Lord High Executioner wouldn't allow me to and manipulated the laws and powers-that-be to stop me because he didn't think that was what a Christian artist should do or be." I doubt that's going to carry much weight when I stand before God somehow!

Allow me to present the work of a few Christian artists from California so those in Australia who seem to have drawn the erroneous conclusion that "nothing good exists there" can see (for themselves) the error of their ways!

I met both wonderful ladies while speaking at the Redwood Christian Writers Seminar over a couple of years.

Also there were many other Christian writers, all of whom will have spent much more time considering their Art and how their faith and relationship with God relates to what they do than the casual observer. Yes, even more than some distant Catholic-Anglican priest or local pastor who regard their personal viewpoints in these matters as being more considered and desirable than anything God could guide these Creatives into! Supposedly their casual observations are far more relevant and important than God's day to day involvement in the Creative's life. 0>(

Among those who appear at the Writer's Seminars is an old friend of mine:

As for the nonsense that there are supposedly no/few Christians working in or around "Hollywood", oh ye of little faith! Never underestimate is the motto here! Just take a look at the local churches websites, for instance.

Or how about full-time, working professionals in the Arts?

One of the funniest videos I've ever seen was one made by Robert G. Lee!

"Robert G. Lee is already known in the entertainment industry as Hollywood’s top warm-up comic. This veteran of 1,000 episodes of such shows as The New Adventures of Old Christine, Just Shoot Me, Becker and The Drew Carey Show is considered to be the reigning king in this very specialized profession. His job is to keep countless audiences entertained between scenes and costume and set changes with rapid-fire ad-libs and humorous interviews. As such, his razor sharp wit is always ready to have fun with, not make fun of any audience he encounters."

Just a suggestion but the next time somebody decides it's a good idea to attempt to tell me how to do my work and live my life before God (in particular as a Christian), at least do a Google check and get some solid facts before approaching me with your ideas. 0:)

Thank-you very much. 0:)

Ellen 0:)

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