Monday, May 27, 2013

Ruma Busta. More re Australian politicians and the rumour mill. (Per Scriptor Informatio). 0:)

This is a re-post from my other blog "Scriptor Informatio".

BTW, both blogs are now public. And I gather CBS has confirmed my working with *Star Trek* because of the 40,000+ hits on the (then private) blog last night regarding how people can contact me.

Ellen 0:)

Ruma Busta. More re Australian politicians and the rumour mill.

And here we go again. *sigh*
Further to this post I made some time ago.

Jenny Macklin is NOT my agent.

Craig Langdon is NOT my manager.

Michael Kroger is NOT my banker and I do not have any money in his bank.

Peter Slipper is NOT my laweyer.

Sophia Mirabella is NOT my lawyer.

Nicola Roxon is NOT my lawyer.

There are NO secret arrangments between any of us and I do NOT have any investors.
Anything else being said is a blatant lie.

Here endeth the official statement in these matters.

Oh, beyond my saying that the Australian Attorney General Mark Dreyfus is apparently the person asking for me to make my blogs public so everybody can be clear about these matters.

Ellen 0:)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Continuing piracy saga. Contacting me personally and details of my whereabouts. 0:)

Investigations have mostly concluded now and my whereabouts and direct contact can be organized via the Australian Federal Police. The A.F.P. provide my C.P.P. unit (Close Personal Protection) and know who to pass those details on to and who not. They are the ones conducting all arrangements and investigations now.

Please see their website for details.


Ellen 0:)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The continuing face of intellectual property piracy and identity fraud. 0:(

I'm told by the police that those responsible for conducting these crimes told the authorities (during an interview) that "corporate espionage", identity theft and piracy are OK when conducted against a major studio and their employees because it was "poaching" and those involved were supposedly "head hunting" me.

Er no. Not the case legally, morally, ethically or professionally! Some were claiming to be my agent/s or managers and were surprised to find out they need documents and registration etc., in order to do so. Nobody has any right to come into somebody's long established business and attempt to claim credit for all their (years of) work. And incidentally, all the money in my personal and business bank accounts as well! (I kid you not). I am very grateful to the authorities involved that they were deliberately monitoring my work and all communications in case the con artists/frauds attempted to make these claims and the authorities have video/documentation proving I was the person creating the work instead of the scammers. My sincere thanks to those involved in doing so! XO 0:)

Here's the legal notice I've been required (by the Courts) to put up at my website.

Ellen 0:(


Official statement regarding fake investors, potential intellectual property theft, fraud and people "sleeping over".

Please note:
There's a few work colleagues and old friends wondering what has been going on. Sadly, I was the victim of identity fraud and con artists misusing/abusing my professional name of "Ellen Frances". It's being handled by Australian Homeland Security and the Australian Federal Police (as well as the CIA and FBI as these attacks were also conducted in the USA). Investigations are on-going, arrests are being made and the Court cases are continuing. If anybody attempts to contact you pretending to be me, please contact the Australian Secret Intelligence Service or the Australian Federal Police immediately (or the CIA or FBI).

Additionally, I am NOT a company, I do NOT have any business partners. I am a sole proprietor. I DO NOT HAVE ANY INVESTORS. Anybody who thinks they have invested with me, they need to contact the Australian Federal Police or FBI immediately: They have been conned. I have NEVER worked with/for DSW Consulting in any way, shape or form. I am not even remotely in contact with Donald Stanley, Catherine, Matthew or Christopher Williams; not even through mutual friends or family. End of story.

Many years ago I was in a business partnership with Gregory John Burdett but that partnership was legally dissolved in the 1980s. I have been a sole proprietor ever since: Anybody claiming otherwise is wrong. Please notify the A.F.P., Australian Homeland Security, the CIA or FBI if anybody contacts you claiming differently or are claiming you can invest with me or that they have invested with me; especially via D.S.W. Consulting or that company's representatives. They will be (at best) incorrect.

The A.F.P. have informed me that my publishers have been notified of the fraud being committed in the name of "Ellen Frances" and the matter is in the hands of their lawyers, as well as those of CBS.

Additionally, I can assure everybody that I only employ or work with personnel via the use of legal H.R. and audition techniques. I am not involved in any "casting couch action" and I don't employ anybody based on the "influence" of others. The people I genuinely know would never consider even suggesting such a thing, knowing me as they do. I do not "operate under the table" in any way, shape or form. Those I know and/or work with, know better than to even suggest otherwise and work with me on that understanding and basis.

I am sickened to hear from the A.F.P. that there are people "hitting on"/"seducing" others by claiming they know or are "secretly involved" with me/my business and can get them work via those means. I can assure everyone they are not involved with me and cannot get work for others in my productions or via my involvement with the productions of other people: I simply do not interfere with such matters!

The names of those I have been alerted about privately have also been passed to the Australian Federal Police and Australian Homeland Security, who are investigating. If you have any further information regarding these matters please pass it on to the A.F.P. or Australian Secret Intelligence Service immediately.

Apart from any other considerations, as a committed Christian, I find such suggestions personally abhorrent, offensive and highly slanderous against my person, reputation and credibility.

Thank-you. Ellen 0:)"

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Identity fraud and intellectual piracy: A personal perspective. 0:(

Identity fraud and intellectual property piracy: A personal perspective. 0:(

" Please note:
FYI, had a note from an old friend: There's a few work colleagues and old friends wondering what has been going on. It's really very simple, I was the victim of identity fraud and con artists using/misusing/abusing my professional name of "Ellen Frances". It's being handled by Australian Homeland Security and the Australian Federal Police (as well as the CIA and FBI as it originally started while I was living in the USA). Investigations are on-going, arrests are being made and the Court cases are continuing. Sad thing is, some of those most involved were people I trusted in the past and regarded as friends. I've had to learn the hard way that they were (& are) not. If anybody attempts to contact you (especially my old editors/publishers/clients et al) pretending to be "Ellen Frances" or "Elena Fe Walker", please contact Australian Secret Intelligence Service or the Australian Federal Police immediately (or the CIA or FBI). A.S.I.S. and the A.F.P. are always checking up on me so they will let me know about anything they consider necessary for me to be informed about. 0:)

Also FYI, I am not now (nor have I ever been) involved with DSW Consulting. I do not have anything to do with them and have NEVER worked with them or they with me. Anybody claiming otherwise please include them in your report to the above authorities.

I don't need to play "let's pretend" or to copy anybody else. I'm too busy being myself (and achieving what I believe is important) to waste the time, energy or resources on anything else.

Thank-you and have a nice day! Ellen 0:)"

End of story. 0:)