Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Eugene Delacroix: Thoughts on boredom.

From "Eugene Delacroix, Selected letters. 1813-1863." Selected and translated by Jean Stewart. artWorks. ISBN 0-87846-632-0. MFA Publications. Copyright 1970.

From his letter to Felix Guillemardet, September 1818.

"...It's a cruel thing that in this sad world one cannot enjoy any happinesss without, by contrast, experiencing some painful feeling. In this way one spends the whole of one's life posessing nothing completely, and in perpetual pursuit of a stability which is beyond man's reach. I think the happiest man is he whose soul is well filled and whose mind is occupied. The soul indeed is forever reaching out, unsatisfied, longing for objects as boundless as itself: but its enjoyments are all the sweeter..."

Thoughts of Artists and Creatives.

Ellen 0:)
Ellen F. Walker

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