The Executive Producer/Actor I mentioned yesterday has apparently been having a chuckle at my expense while I wasn't in California. So, I will confirm what he has been saying to people! 0:)
Yes, the first time I saw a particular type of inspirational bookstore was in Pacific Grove, California. And it was in fact the one he frequents.
I came across it in 1995 the first time I visited the Monterey area and California. (Just after I had caught up with him in New Mexico, as it happens; while I was working on articles for some kid's magazines). 0:)
Actually, now I think about that, I lie. I had already seen something like that bookstore/cafe in Santa Fe, New Mexico and completely fallen in love with the idea!
I had been doing a Storytelling recording for "Bedtime With Barney" and afterwards the Musical Director's wife took me for lunch at a fantastic Santa Fe bookstore/cafe. It was called the "Old Santa Fe Trail Bookstore and Coffeehouse" but I think it's closed now.
All kinds of fascinating bookstores in Santa Fe, New Mexico! Check this out:
They were only the first though and I've caught up with many since! LOTS of material to work with!
Which reminds me, he owes me a cup of coffee. Several actually...0:)
Ellen 0:)
Ellen F. Walker